Sustainability management

As a company that fulfills its social responsibilities,
DIREA creates special changes through small actions in everyday life.

DIREA Co., Ltd.
We have been operating under the vision of ‘a 100-year software company with honor and responsibility’ and have established environmental/social/ethical management guidelines for sustainable growth.

This is a promise that all executives and employees must fulfill. To solve the problems we face and create a better future I will constantly think about it and put it into practice.

Hyunki Bae, CEO of Diria Co., Ltd.

Environmental Management
  • Eco-friendly product development
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Disaster safety prevention and education for hazardous substance management
  • Responsible eco-friendly supply chain management through building a sustainable supply chain
  • Securing trust from local residents by strengthening communication with stakeholders
Social Contribution
  • Creating a human rights-friendly corporate culture through human rights management
  • Protection of customer information through thorough personal information management
  • Zero corruption through fair trade
  • Achieving a zero-accident workplace through strengthening safety and health
  • Participation and contribution to local community development through social contribution activities that reflect business characteristics
  • Promoting coexistence with partners through responsible supply chain management
Governance Management
  • Respect customers and strive to satisfy and impress customers
  • Protect shareholders’ investment returns through transparent and efficient management
  • Compliance with all laws and sound and fair trading order during corporate activities
  • Fair trade with partners
  • Practicing social responsibility through compliance with social norms, environmental protection, and social contribution
  • Establishing a corporate culture of mutual trust and respect among executives and employees
  • Oppose all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery